IX. On fossil plants, showing structure, from the base of the waverley shale of Kentucky



A large part of the material upon which the present memoir is based was derived from Prof. Charles Eastman, now of the University of Pittsburg but formerly of the staff of the Agassiz Museum of Harvard University. It was presented by him to the junior author. A considerable amount of additional material, some of it of the greatest interest, including, among other things, a Lepidodendrid cone, was purchased by the junior contributor to the present article, from Mr. Moritz Fischer, of Cincinnati, Ohio, who was associated with Prof. Eastman as a collector in his work on the deposits containing the fossil plants here described. The locality and horizon of the fossil plants under consideration are described as follows by Prof. Eastman in a letter to the junior author: “The collection of fossiliferous nodules, which I turned over to you, was obtained by myself in company with Mr. Moritz Fischer, of Cincinnati, at a locality about one mile west of Junction City in Boyle County, Kentucky, in the spring of 1906. The nodule layer is a well-marked stratum 20 to 24 inches thick, lying at the base of the Waverley (Lower Carboniferous) and immediately above the Genessee Black Shale of Upper Devonian age. The accompanying fish remains are regarded by myself and Dr. Bashford Dean, who have described some of them, as indicating Lower Carboniferous age.”


The Royal Society


General Medicine

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