In two (1 and 2) previous communications to the Royal Society I was able to demonstrate the production of a gastrotoxic serum by the injection of the mucous membrane of the stomach of one animals into another. In this way a heterogastrotoxin was formed by injecting the stomach cells of the guineapig into the rabbit, and an isogastrotoxin by injecting the stomach cells of the rabbit, and an isogastrotoxin by injecting the stomach cells of the rabbit into the rabbbit. I also showed that a human gastrotoxin could likewise be produced by injecting human stomach cells into another animal. The heterogastrotoxin possesses poisonous properties for the tissuses of the variety of animal whose has been used for injection, but the isogastrotoxin does not. The latter, however, is toxic for the tissues of a nearly allied animals.
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3 articles.