Drugs for a new millennium


Snyder Solomon H.1


1. Department of Neuroscience, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, 725 North Wolfe Street, Baltimore, MD 21205, USA


A millennium, a century, even a decade is a long time–frame for speculation about anything. Advances in biomedical research in the last few decades have been so extraordinary and escalating at an ever–accelerating pace that any prophecy is a risky proposition. However, it is possible to divine the big, unanswered questions and envisage ways in which they might reasonably be approached in the next few decades, a task which I will try to essay. So many drugs treat so many different medical conditions that a detailed and comprehensive coverage would probably be tiresome. Instead, I will address certain broad themes and diseases that offer both immense challenges and great potential for advances. Rather than review detailed experimental issues, I will confine myself to the ‘big picture’ issues, providing examples of specific research only in a few instances drawing largely from areas I know best.


The Royal Society


General Agricultural and Biological Sciences,General Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology

Reference12 articles.

1. Ayd F. J. & Blackwell B. (eds) 1981 Discoveries in biological psychiatry. Philadelphia PA: Lippincott.

2. Carlsson A. 1988 The current status of the dopamine hypothesis of schizophrenia. Neuropsychopharmacology 1 179^180.

3. Carlsson M. & Carlsson A. 1990 Interactions between glutaminergic and monaminergic systems within the basal gangliaö implications for schizophrenia and Parkinson's disease. Trends Neurosci. 13 272^276.

4. Grinspoon L. & Bakalar J. 1979 Psychedelic drugs reconsidered. New York: Basic Books.

5. Healy D. 1996 The psychopharmacologists. London: Chapman & Hall.

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