Experiments with a velocity-spectrometer for slow neutrons



The properties of slow neutrons of different velocities have been investigated mainly by methods in which their velocities are determined indirectly, for example, by way of the absorption coefficient of boron, which is believed to vary inversely with the velocity of the neutron. Direct measurements of velocity within the thermal range (~ 2-5 x 10 5 cm./sec.) have, however, been made with velocity-selectors employing high speed rotary shutters which allow neutrons to pass for brief periods at regular intervals (Dunning, Pegram, Fink, Mitchell and Segrè 1935). If two such shutters are arranged at a distance l apart, a neutron of velocity v can pass through both shutters in succession only if the second is open at a time l/v later than the first; if the two shutters are driven at identical frequencies with a suitable difference of phase, only those neutrons whose velocities lie within certain ranges will be transmitted.


The Royal Society


Pharmacology (medical)

Reference2 articles.

1. F e r te Il M o o n T h o m s o n a n d W y n n -W illia m s 1939 Lond. 142 829.

Cited by 11 articles. 订阅此论文施引文献 订阅此论文施引文献,注册后可以免费订阅5篇论文的施引文献,订阅后可以查看论文全部施引文献

1. PULSED ACCELERATOR TIME-OF-FLIGHT SPECTROMETERS;Experimental Neutron Resonance Spectroscopy;1970

2. Techniques of Slow Neutron Spectroscopy;Pure and Applied Physics;1960

3. Neutron Spectroscopy and Neutron Interactions in Chemical Analysis;Physical Methods in Chemical Analysis;1956

4. Neutron Cross Sections of the Elements A Compilation;Reviews of Modern Physics;1947-10-01

5. Measurement of Neutron Cross Sections with a Crystal Spectrometer;Physical Review;1947-06-01








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