The pressure of water waves upon a fixed obstacle



The diffraction of plane water waves by a stationary obstacle with vertical sides is examined, in particular the variation of amplitude along the sides and the average steady pressure due to the wave motion. Results similar to those in other diffraction problems are obtained for an infinite plane and for cylinders of circular or parabolic section, and approximations are made for sections of ship form. The examination was made in view of possible applications in the problem of a ship advancing through a train of waves, and the results are discussed in relation to the average additional resistance in such circumstances. It appears that the mean pressure obtained on diffraction theory from the second order terms can only account, in general, for a small proportion of the observed effect; the motions of the ship, and in particular its oscillations, are essential factors in the problem.


The Royal Society


Pharmacology (medical)

Reference8 articles.

1. Proc. Roy;Havelock T. H.;Soo. A,1937

2. Trans. Instn Nav. Archit;Kent J. L.;Lond.,1935

3. Trans. Instn Nav. Archit;Kreitner J.;Lond.,1939

4. Larmor J. 1920 Cong. Inter. Math. Strasbourg.

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