IV. An account of a method of dividing astronomical and other instruments, by ocular inspection; in which the usual tools for graduating are not employed; the whole operation being being so contrived, that no error can occur but what is chargeable to vision, when assisted by the best optical means of viewing and measuring minute quantities



It would ill become me, in addressing myself to the Members of this Society upon a subject which they are so well enabled to appreciate, to arrogate to myself more than may be assigned as my due, for whatever of success may have been the result of my long continued endeavours, exerted in prosecuting towards perfection the dividing of Instruments immediately subservient to the purposes of Astronomy . A man very naturally will set a value upon a thing on which so much of his life has been expended; and I shall readily, therefore, be pardoned for saying, that considering some attainments which I have made on this subject as too valuable to be lost, and being encouraged also by the degree of attention which the Royal Society has ever paid to practical subjects, I feel myself ambitious of presenting them to the public through what I deem the most respectable channel in the world. It was as early as the year 1775, being then apprentice to my brother, the late Mr. John Troughton, that the art of dividing had become interesting to me; the study of astronomy was also new and fascinating; and I then formed the resolution to aim at the nicer parts of my profession.


The Royal Society


General Medicine

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