XV. Account of a tumour found in the substance of the human placenta



Whilst the structure and uses of any part of the animal body remain unknown, every new fact or occurrence ought to be recorded; since, by this means only a more perfect knowledge of it can be expected to be obtained. As there are few subjects more interesting than those which concern the functions of animals, and more especially those processes by which they are originally formed, and afterwards sustained, I beg leave to submit the following Paper to the attention of the Royal Society, supposing it not to be foreign to the general views of the institution. The exertions of the most patient industry have been hitherto baffled, in the attempt to detect the first changes which succeed that process by which animals are propagated. If the object of immediate pursuit has not been obtained, much light, in the course of the investigation, has been collaterally thrown upon the growth and nutrition of animals, both in the egg state of oviparous animals, and in the uterine state of such as are viviparous.


The Royal Society


General Medicine

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