Phase-bistable pattern formation in oscillatory systems via rocking: application to nonlinear optical systems


de Valcárcel Germán J.1,Martínez-Quesada Manuel1,Staliunas Kestutis2


1. Departament d'Òptica, Universitat de València, Dr. Moliner 50, Burjassot 46100, Spain

2. ICREA and Departament de Física i Enginyeria Nuclear, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Colom 11, Terrassa 08222, Spain


We present a review, together with new results, of a universal forcing of oscillatory systems, termed ‘rocking’, which leads to the emergence of a phase bistability and to the kind of pattern formation associated with it, characterized by the presence of phase domains, phase spatial solitons and phase-bistable extended patterns. The effects of rocking are thus similar to those observed in the classic 2 : 1 resonance (the parametric resonance) of spatially extended systems of oscillators, which occurs under a spatially uniform, time-periodic forcing at twice the oscillations' frequency. The rocking, however, has a frequency close to that of the oscillations (it is a 1 : 1 resonant forcing) and hence is a good alternative to the parametric forcing when the latter is inefficient (e.g. in optics). The key ingredient is that the rocking amplitude is modulated either in time or in space, such that its sign alternates (exhibits π -phase jumps). We present new results concerning a paradigmatic nonlinear optical system (the two-level laser) and show that phase domains and dark-ring (phase) solitons replace the ubiquitous vortices that characterize the emission of free-running, broad area lasers.


The Royal Society


General Physics and Astronomy,General Engineering,General Mathematics

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