Three-body recombination of positive and negative ions II. General third body



A quasi-equilibrium statistical theory is used to investigate the low density limit to the rate of the three body ionic recombination process X + + Y ˉ + Z → [ XY ] + Z , the interaction between the third body and an ion being taken to be of the Langevin form. It is shown that the recombination coefficient α is, to a close approximation, equal to the sum of two partial recombination coefficients, α 13 and α 23 the former describing recombination due only to X +Z collisions and the latter describing recombination due only to Y ˉ — Z collisions. Results are presented which enable α to be found for a wide range of values of the temperature, the masses of the three species involved, the two Langevin hard-sphere radii and the polarizability of the third body. In the case of equal masses (for which it was designed) the well-known theory of Thomson is remarkably successful with regard to its predictions on the dependence of α on the temperature and on the interactions.


The Royal Society


Pharmacology (medical)

Reference16 articles.

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