When the National Physical Laboratory was founded in 1900, the Royal Society was ‘invited to control the proposed institution and to nominate a governing body’. Since the Royal Society had agitated strongly for the creation of such a laboratory, this invitation was accepted, and although the National Physical Laboratory was incorporated into the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research when that body was created in 1917, the connexion between the Royal Society and the National Physical Laboratory is still very close on all matters of scientific policy.
Reference29 articles.
1. A ndrew A . M. 1961 Proc. F irst International Congress of the International Federation fo r Automatic Control. L ondon: B utterw orth.
2. Annual Report of the N ational Physical Laboratory for 1960. 1961 L ondon: H .M . S tation ery Office.
3. Barrell H . 1961 N ature L o n d 189 195.
4. Carrington W . H ale K . F . & M cLean D . i 960 Proc. Roy. Soc. A 259 203.
5. Clowes M. B . & Parks J . R . 1961 The Computer Journal 4 121.