Combined X-ray topographic and phase-contrast micrographic studies of natural diamond octahedral faces show that pyramidal trigons are always associated with dislocation outcrops. No dislocations outcrop at flat-bottomed trigons. On the other hand, absence of trigons does not necessarily imply absence of outcropping dislocations. The X-ray evidence strongly supports the etch-pit hypothesis for the origin of trigons. A dependence of trigon pit slope upon the Burgers vector orientation of its associated dislocation was not conclusively demonstrated.
Reference2 articles.
1. E v a n s T. & S a u te r D . H . 1961 Phil.
2. F ra n k F . C. & L an g A. R . 1959 Phil. M ag. 4 383. M a g .6 429.
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60 articles.