Detonation-generated plasmas



Photographic sequences at the rate of a million exposures a second of the brilliantly luminous, highly ionized gas clouds or detonation-generated plasmas emitted from free surfaces of detonating explosives, showing interesting compressional, extrusion and expansion effects are presented and discussed. Means of separating and differentiating the shock waves and plasmas associated with the detonation of condensed explosives are illustrated. Examples of plasma explosions are presented illustrating the particular metastable character of these plasmas. Measurements of the velocity-conductivity-density relations in the plasmas are presented and their resemblance to metals discussed.


The Royal Society


Pharmacology (medical)

Reference11 articles.

1. Campbell A. W . Malin M. E . B oyd T. J. & H u Il J. A . 1955 T echniques for m easurem ent o f d etonation velocity. Second 9-11 February.

2. O N R Sym posium on Detonation p. 18. W ashington D.C.

3. Cook M. A. 1958 The science of high explosives. N ew Y ork: R einhold P ublishing Corpora• tion.

4. Cook M. A . D oran R . L. & Morris G. J. 1955 A p p l. P hys. 26 426.

5. Cook M. A . K eyes R . T. & Lee L. D . 1956 M easurem ents o f ion ization and electron d ensities in the detonation w ave o f solid explosives. Technical Report no. 1 contract A F -18(603)-100 E xp losives R esearch Group U n IV ersity o f U tah .

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