Alpha-particle decay of the 15∙1 MeV state in 12 C



A search was carried out for the α-particle decay of the 15∙1 MeV state in 12 C. The state was made by the 10 B ( 3 He, p ) 12 C reaction. The protons feeding the 15∙1 MeV state were seen in proton singles spectra and in coincidence with 15∙1 MeV γ -rays, but none were seen in coincidence with α -particles. Comparison with a nearby state known to decay virtually solely by α-particles established that the 15∙1 MeV state α -decays less than 20 % of the time. Combining this result with the results of γ-ray resonance scattering we find that ┌ α < 15 eV. The sensitivity of the experiment was limited by a continuum from the break-up of the 10 B + 3 He system.


The Royal Society


Pharmacology (medical)

Reference14 articles.

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