The forward scattering of resonance radiation, with special reference to double resonance and level-crossing experiments



A theoretical and experimental study has been made of the intensity of forward scattered light in conditions of radio-frequency double resonance and level-crossing. The main conclusions are (i) that the magnetic resonance and level-crossing effects which are familiar in the laterally scattered light are to be found also in the forward scattered light, but (ii) that the resonance curves are Doppler-broadened, and the strength of the oscillatory field necessary to generate them is correspondingly increased, and (iii) that coherence narrowing is much more pronounced in forward than in lateral scattering. The differences derive from the coherence between the radiation from different atoms which is present in forward, but not in lateral scattering, and which is implicitly recognized in the classical theory of the propagation of light in polarizable media. The equations of electromagnetism form the basis of the present analysis. In the presence of the oscillatory magnetic field the polarization tensor is complex and time-dependent. The time dependence leads to the result that the number of eigenwaves necessary to describe propagated waves in the medium is four, as against the usual two. An arbitrary wave is resolved into a superposition of the four eigenwaves, all of which have different propagation constants. The analysis is very general, and is applicable to experiments with lasers. The components of the polarization tensor are derived by finding first the polarizability of individual atoms from a semi-classical theory of their interaction with light and magnetic fields. The macroscopic polarization, obtained by summing over individual atoms, is then given by folding the individual polarizabilities with the Doppler distribution of resonance frequencies. In the particular case studied in detail (the inter-combination resonance line, 2537 A, in mercury), the Doppler width is much greater than the radiation width, and the imaginary (absorptive) part of the polarizability is Gaussian. Expressions are derived in a ‘weak scattering’ approximation for the intensity of the forward scattered light. They are magnetic resonance functions which are found to be the Doppler-broadened equivalents of the familiar functions, based on Lorentzians, characteristic of scattering by a single atom. In the case of double resonance the forward scattered light is strongly modulated, as is the laterally scattered light. To investigate coherence narrowing, the zero-field level-crossing has been studied with the restriction of ‘weak scattering’ removed. The result is obtained that the width of levelcrossing curves is inversely proportional to the vapour density for magnetic fields such that the Zeeman splitting is small in relation to the Doppler width. This analytical result has been verified experimentally.


The Royal Society


Pharmacology (medical)

Reference17 articles.

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