Review Lecture: The float glass process



My subject is the float process for making flat glass. I would like, first of all, to put the float process into perspective by describing briefly, and in simple terms, the methods used for making flat glass before and at the time of the invention of the float process and then to describe the development of the process itself and the position it occupies in the flat glass industry today. Finally, I would like to describe in as much depth as time allows, three of the main problems which had to be tackled in developing this process. The Egyptians seem to have been the first people to realize what could be done with glass when it is hot and plastic, and they made vessels for cosmetics and perfumes by, it is assumed, trailing molten glass around a shaped core. By Roman times glass was being blown and moulded, cut and engraved, painted and gilded, and the Romans had mastered the plastic character of heat softened glass so fundamental to today’s processes.


The Royal Society


Pharmacology (medical)

Reference5 articles.

1. T rans;Alcock C. B.;Faraday Soc.,1964

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5. Sudo K . 1951 Sci. R ep. Res. In st. Tokohu U niv. 3 356.







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