Gravitational waves in general relativity. VI. The outgoing radiation condition



A covariant formulation of the outgoing radiation condition for gravitational fields is proposed. The condition is based on a detailed examination of the geometry of null lines and of the algebraic and differential properties of the Riemann tensor. It relates the absence of incoming radiation, in a gravitational field with bounded sources and Euclidean topology, to the asymptotic behaviour of the Riemann tensor. Fields that are algebraically special in the Petrov classification are highly special examples of fields obeying the suggested condition.


The Royal Society


Pharmacology (medical)

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2. The case against smooth null infinity IV: Linearized gravity around Schwarzschild—an overview;Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences;2024-01-15

3. Memory effect & Carroll symmetry, 50 years later;Annals of Physics;2023-12

4. Kinematics in metric-affine geometry;Physica Scripta;2023-09-11

5. Peeling for tensorial wave equations on Schwarzschild spacetime;Reviews in Mathematical Physics;2023-07-28







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