The distillation of vitamin D



The work described below has been done in an attempt to isolate vitamin D from the complex mixture formed by the ultra-violet irradiation of ergosterol. It is evident that vacuum distillation might be of use for this purpose, but, except for a brief statement by Windaus and Holtz (1927), we are unaware of previous work on the distillation of vitamin D. We have distilled various products obtained from ergosterol, and most frequently have used resinous products prepared as follows. A solution of ergosterol in ether was exposed to the unfiltered radiation from a mercury vapour lamp while flowing through a narrow silica tube at a rate such tat about 40 per cent. of the ergosterol was destroyed. Thy unchanged ergosterol was then removed by precipitation with digitonin as described in a previous paper (Webster and Bourdillon, 1928) and the ethereal solution of the products of radiation was evaporated in vacuo to a dry resin.


The Royal Society


General Medicine

Reference4 articles.

1. The absorption spectrum of vitamin D

2. The production of histamine from histidine by ultra-violet light and the absorption spectra of these substances

3. 4Nachr. Ges. Wiss. Gott. Math. Phys. K l. ' p. 2.

4. Windaus A. (1930). ` Nachr. Ges. Wiss. Gott. Math. Phys. K l. ' p. 36.

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