Two short accounts of the habits of
pseudapocryptes lanceolatus
were communicated by me to the Indian Science Congress and were published in the Proceedings of the Congress, Das (1930), Das (1932). There are 11 Indian genera of the family Gobiidæ which include 89 species. The genus
has been reported from the coasts of India, Burma, the Andaman Islands, and the Malay archipelago. The specimens of
pseudapocryptes lanceolatus
studied were obtained from the estuary of the Ganges, Chiefly from Port Canning and Diamond Harbour, not far from Calcutta. The fish is often brought to the Calcutta market and is especially abundant during the months of October and November.
Reference4 articles.
1. Das. B. K.
(1930). ` Proc. Ind. Sci. Cong. Allahabad.'
2. Das. B. K.
(1932). ` Proc. Ind. Sci. Cong. Bangalore.'
3. The circulation of blood in the air-breathing chambers of Ophiocephalus punctatus Bloch.
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21 articles.