Apparent mitogenetic inactivity of active cells



The emission of mitogenetic rays has been reported from a great variety of cells and tissues but the most powerful source appears to be material which is in a high state of mitotic, metabolic, nervous or mechanical activity (Gurwitsch, 1932). A cursor survey of the literature shows that there is no general agreement concerning the reality of the phenomenon. In most cases, neither the source of the rays nor the means adopted for their detection has been defined with sufficient accuracy to permit consistent results to lie obtained by independent workers. To some extent this difficulty has been met by using photo-electric cells as a means of detecting the rays. Using a potassium cell, Schrieber and Friedlich (1930) failed to detect any radiation know yeast cultures. Seyfert (1932) using a cell of the counter type failed to find any emission of rays from onion roots, yeast cultures, and embryonic tissues. Frank and Rodionov (1932) on the other hand, obtained positive results from active preparations of the frog's sartorius and heart.


The Royal Society


General Medicine

Reference16 articles.

1. Frank G. and Rodionov S. (1932).

2. Frank G. and Sal.kind S. (1927). 'Biochem. Z. ' vol. 249 p. 323.

3. 'Z. wiss. Biol. ' D vol. 110 p. 626.

4. Geiger H. and Muller (1928). 'Phys. Z. ' vol. 29 p. 839.

5. Geiger H. and Muller (1929). 'Phys. Z. ' vol. 30 p. 489.

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