Insulin has been the subject of innumerable investigations on account of its physiological importance in the control of carbohydrate metabolism. Few of the researches on this hormone, however, have dealt with aspects other than purely physiological ones. The physico-chemical behaviour of insulin appears to the authors to merit attention on the grounds that such characteristics may play a part in its control of the blood-sugar level in the animal organism. The present series of papers is the outcome of an attempt to determine the character of the surface charge and of other physico-chemical properties of insulin protein and to correlate the results thus obtained with its physiological activity. It was considered also that the titration of insulin against acids and alkalies would throw some light on the possible association of basic and acid groups with the centres responsible for its remarkable activity. This latter theme is the subject of a separate communication.
Reference21 articles.
2. Culhane Marks Scott and Trevan (1927).
3. Dingemanse and Laqueur (1927). 4Biochem. J. ' vol. 23 p. 397.
4. 4Arch neeriand. Physiol. ' vol. 12 p. 259.
Cited by
13 articles.