Cyclic changes in the reproductive organs of male mammals have been studied in a few forms only, but the information available reveals interesting differences in the duration of reproductive activity, and in the correlation between the various organs. Marshall (1911) has described the reproductive cycle in the male hedgehog. Regaud (1904), Tandler and Grosz (1911) and Lecaillon (1909) have studied the mole, but with conflicting results. Rasmussen (1917 and 1918) gives detailed information of the periodic changes in the interstitial tissue of the testis in the woodchuck, and more recently Courrier (1923) has investigated the reproductive cycle in various bats, in the mole, hedgehog, and marmot. The work of Marshall (1904), Robinson (1918) and Hammond and Marshall (1930) has established that in the female ferret the breeding season is restricted and lasts from April to August ; during the remaining months of the year the reproductive organs are in a state of quiescent anœstrus. The first mating occurs in March or April. The present investigation was undertaken in order to determine the duration of the quiescent period in the male ferret and to compare the changes in the testis tubules with those in the interstitial tissue and accessory organs. The condition of the reproductive tract has accordingly been studied at various times of the year, and an attempt has been made to assess the changes in the organs and in their constituent parts.
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