, In the Year 1729 I communicated to Dr.
, and some other Gentleman, a Discovery I had then lately made, shewing that the Electrick Vertue of a Glass tube may be conveyed to any other Bodies, so as to give them the same Property of attracting repelling light Bodies,as the Tube does, when excited by rubbing; that this attractive Vertue might be carried to Bodies that were many Feet distant from the Tube.
Cited by
21 articles.
1. Electrospinning of metal oxide nanostructures;Solution Methods for Metal Oxide Nanostructures;2023
2. Glass, the Wonder Maker of Science;Encyclopedia of Glass Science, Technology, History, and Culture;2021-02
3. References;From Clouds to the Brain;2020-10-28
4. The Background to Electrospray;The Encyclopedia of Mass Spectrometry;2016
5. Theoretical foundations for ink jet technology;Ink Jet Textile Printing;2015