VIII. On the movements of the flame in the explosion of gases.


Dixon Harold Baily1,Strange E. H.,Graham E.,Jones R. Hughes,Bower J.,Dawson B.,Bradshaw L.


1. Professor of Chemistry in the Owens College, Manchester


(1.) On the Rate of Movement of the Flam, and the produced in theExplosion of Gases. Humphry Davy was the first to observe the rate at which an explosion of gases was propagated in a tube, and he also made the first rough experiment on the tem­perature reached in an explosion. When gas from the distillation of coal (which he found more inflammable than fire-damp) was mixed with eight times its volume ofair, and was fired in a glass tube 1 foot long and 1/4 inch in diameter, the flame took more than a second to traverse the tube. When cyanogen mixed with twice its volume of oxygen was fired in a bent tube over water, the quantity of water displaced showed that the gases had expanded fifteen times their original bulk. Bunsen, in 1867, made the first careful measurement of the rate at which an explosion is propagated in gases, and he also made the first systematic researches on the pressure and temperature produced by the explosion of gases in closed vessels. His results led him to the remarkable conclusion that there was a discontinuous combustion in explosions. When electrolytic gas, or when carbonic oxide with haltits volume of oxygen, is fired, only one-third of the mixture is burnt, according to Bunsen, raising the temperature of the whole to about 3000° C. No further chemical action then occurs until the gaseous mixture falls, by cooling, below 2500° C. Then a further combustion begins, and so on<italic>per Saltum</italic>. These deductions were criticised by Berthelot, who pointed out that they assumed the constancy of the specific heats of steam and of carbonic acid at high temperatures.


The Royal Society


General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Environmental Science

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