Attention has recently been directed to the action of certain substances both in inhibiting the spontaneous clotting of blood and in affording protection against hæmolysis (Pickering and de Souza, 1). No systematic enquiry appears, however, to have been made into the possible influence of anticoagulants on the lysis of erythrocytes. We have found that most substances which restrain the clotting of blood are also anti-hæmolytic against heterologous sera, a specific hæmolysin, and cobra venom; also that certain agencies which restore the coagulability of blood after the influence of anti-coagulants will neutralise the anti-hæmolytic action of these substances.
Reference49 articles.
1. Pickering and de Souza ` Bioohem. Journ. ' vol. 17 p. 747 (1923).
2. Oettingen ` Munch. Med. W och. ' vol. 70 p. 689 (1923).
3. Green and Evans ` Proc. Soc. Exper. Biol and Med. ' vol. 20 p. 290 (1923).
4. Arthus and Pages ` Archiv. de Physiol. Norm et Path. ' Serie 2 p. 739 (1S90).
5. Sabbatani ` Arch. Ital. de Biol. ' vol. 36 p. 397 (1901).
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