The powerful antiseptic action of certain basic derivatives of anil and styryl quinoline formed the subject of previous communications. The present communication is concerned with the action of a number of these substances on trypanosome infections. They constitute new types of trypanocidal agents, and in the case of certain members of the styryl series a high degree of effectiveness is attained.
Biological Section
. Method of Testing Therapeutic Action.—Mice infected with T.
were used for this purpose. They were inoculated with a suspension in saline of the blood of an infected mouse containing abundant parasites. The course of the infection was regular; on the day following inoculation the blood showed scanty trypanosomes which increased in numbers progressively, and death of the animal occurred as a rule about 72 hours was observed only very rarely. In the course of the investigation three strains of
T. brucei
were used, viz., Prowazek's strain obtained from the Institut für Experimentelle Therapie, Frankfurt a. Main, and two strains furnished at different times by Prof. Mesnil, Institut Pasteur, Paris, and designated Ehrlich's
. Care was taken to ascertain, as far as possible, by the use of standard therapeutic agents, such as arsacetin tryparosan, trypaflavin, trypanblue, and Bayer 205, that the therapeutic, results obtained with the respective strains were closely similar. Treatment was as a rule instituted on the day following inoculation, when scanty parasites were present in the blood, and consisted of a subcutaneous injection of the concentration stated in the table, in the proportion of 1 c. c. per 20 grams of body weight. To begin with a dose was chosen which approximated to the largest amount borne in uninfected animals without producing toxic effects,
e. g
., loss of weight, and when only one dose is shown in the table it is this which is indicated. The blood was then examined daily for a month and at intervals afterwards for at lease 2 to 3 months before cure was recorded. The most effective substance were also tested in the chronic trypanosomiasis produced by
T. brucei
in rabbits.
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26 articles.