Croonian Lecture - Population genetics



1. The classification of genetics Genetics, the study of the hereditary mechanism, and of the rules by which heritable qualities are transmitted from one generation to the next, is a science sufficiently new for its subdivisions and their mutual relationships to be ill-defined, or, at least, in process of finding their definitions. Consequently, of the many adjectives which one hears and sees applied to the word ‘genetics’ some are meaningful, while many others imply some distinction scarcely worth making. The wide applicability of Mendel’s principles invites a classification based on the subject-matter, such as human genetics,Drosophila genetics, mouse genetics, plant genetics, and so on, but no distinction of importance can be made in this way. In recent years indeed, organisms much more different than the higher animals and green plants have been shown to exhibit closely analogous genetic phenomena; the list now includes Protozoa, fungi, bacteria and viruses, and to these obscure and difficult forms some of the finest of modern researches have been devoted (Sonnerborn 1947; Lederberg 1951). The very existence of sexual reproduction in many of these groups was only discovered, and can still only be demonstrated, by genetic methods. With such an enormous range of diverse forms, though all conforming to the same principles of inheritance first glimpsed by Gregor Mendel, the technical methods of culture differ greatly according to the breeding system current—self-fertilizing hermaphrodites, self-sterile hermaphrodites, animals and plants with separate sexes, ephemeral or long-living, capable perhaps of vegetative or of apomictic reproduction. In the microfungi heterocaryosis, exhibiting fusion of the cytoplasm without using the recombination mechanism of the nucleus, forms a branch of genetics which has been greatly forwarded by Pontecorvo at Glasgow, and by Mather at Birmingham.


The Royal Society


General Medicine

Reference27 articles.

1. The very rare Rh genotype Ryr ( ) in a case of erythroblastosis foetalis;van den Bosch C.;Nature. Lond.,1948

2. The components of genetic variance in populations of bi-parental progenies;Comstock R. E.;Biometrics,1948

3. Darlington C. D. &Mather K. 1949 The elements of genetics. London: George Allen &Unwin Ltd.

4. -1949 The quantitative study of populations in the lepidoptera;Dowdeswell W. H.;Ann. Eugen. Lond.,1940

5. Fisher R. A. 1930 Genetical theory of natural selection. Oxford: Clarendon Press.

Cited by 30 articles. 订阅此论文施引文献 订阅此论文施引文献,注册后可以免费订阅5篇论文的施引文献,订阅后可以查看论文全部施引文献

1. Statistical genetics in and out of quasi-linkage equilibrium;Reports on Progress in Physics;2023-04-04

2. Recombinant Inbred Mice as Models for Experimental Precision Medicine and Biology;Animal Models in Medicine and Biology [Working Title];2021-05-03

3. The origins of the stochastic theory of population genetics: The Wright-Fisher model;Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences;2020-02

4. Neo-Paleyan biology;Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences;2019-08

5. Understanding the Evolutionary Biology of CVD From Analysis of Ancestral Population Genomes;Global Heart;2017-06-01







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