The apportionment of citations: a scientometric analysis of Lewontin 1972


Carlson Jedidiah1ORCID,Harris Kelley12ORCID


1. Department of Genome Sciences, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA

2. Computational Biology Division, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Seattle, WA, USA


‘The apportionment of human diversity’ (1972) is the most highly cited research article published by geneticist Richard Lewontin in his career. This study's primary result—that most genetic diversity in humans can be accounted for by within-population differences, not between-population differences—along with Lewontin's outspoken, politically charged interpretations thereof, has become foundational to the scientific and cultural discourse pertaining to human genetic variation. The article has an unusual bibliometric trajectory in that it is much more salient in the bibliographic record today compared to the first 20 years after its publication. Here, we highlight four factors that may have played a role in shaping the paper's fame: (i) citations in influential publications across several disciplines; (ii) Lewontin's own popular books and media appearances; (iii) the renaissance of population genetics research of the early 1990s; and (iv) the serendipitous collision of scientific progress, influential books and papers, and heated controversies around the year 1994. We conclude with an analysis of Twitter data to characterize the communities and conversations that continue to keep this study at the centre of discussions about race and genetics, prompting new challenges for scientists who have inherited Lewontin's legacy. This article is part of the theme issue ‘Celebrating 50 years since Lewontin's apportionment of human diversity’.


Burroughs Wellcome Fund

Kinship Foundation

National Institute of General Medical Sciences

Pew Charitable Trusts

Alfred P. Sloan Foundation


The Royal Society


General Agricultural and Biological Sciences,General Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology

Reference105 articles.

1. The Apportionment of Human Diversity

2. Dobzhansky T, Hecht MK, Steere WC (eds). 1972 Evolutionary biology: volume 6. New York, NY: Springer.

3. Ruvolo M, Seielstad M. 2001 ‘The apportionment of human diversity’ 25 years later. In Thinking about evolution: historical, philosophical, and political perspectives (eds RS Singh, CB Krimbas, DB Paul, J Beatty), pp. 141-151. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.

4. Apportionment of racial diversity: A review

5. Rosenberg NA. 2018 Variance-partitioning and classification in human population genetics. In Phylogenetic inference, selection theory, and history of science: selected papers of A. W. F. Edwards with commentaries (ed. RG Winther), pp. 399-404. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.

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