Further observations on the organization of the fossil plants of the coal-­ measures. —Part I. Calamites, calamostachys, and sphenophyllum



words in explanation of the origin of this new enquiry may be desirable. During estigations into the organization of the fossil carboniferous plants upon which I sen engaged for more than forty years, I have brought to light a number of ral features different from any discoverable amongst allied plants living at the day. Though morphological truth was the main object of my researches, it possible wholly to exclude thoughts respecting the modes of growth by which structural combinations have been produced. Many such suggestions are ed through my numerous memoirs; some of them I believe to be true; others ly open to such doubts as have been expressed by my friend, Graf zu Solms, hers. morphological enquiries seem to have reached a stage that makes a more dy careful examination of these questions of development and growth desirable; fore specially undertaking this, I saw clearly the extreme importance of doing ombination with some younger colleague whose familiarity with the details of ysiology of living plants was greater than my own. U nder these circumstances secured the co-operation of Dr. D. H. Scott, and the present paper embodies suits of our united investigations. The work has been carried out in the Jodrell atory of the Koyal Gardens, Kew.


The Royal Society


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