Quasi-local mass and angular momentum in general relativity



A new approach to defining energy-momentum and angular momentum in general relativity is presented which avoids some of the difficulties of previous definitions and which can be applied quasi-locally. It depends on the construction of a twistor space T α ( S ) associated with any spacelike topological 2-sphere S . Though several problems of interpretation remain to be solved, the new definition works well at I + , reproducing the Bondi-mass-momentum as four of the ten precisely determined quantities at each cut of I + . The remaining six quantities provide a definition of angular momentum which appears to be new.


The Royal Society


Pharmacology (medical)

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1. Properties of quasilocal mass in binary black hole mergers;Physical Review D;2023-12-14

2. Covariant canonical formulations of classical field theories;SciPost Physics Lecture Notes;2023-12-05

3. General parallel cosmology;Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics;2023-12-01

4. Geometry, conformal Killing-Yano tensors and conserved “currents”;Journal of High Energy Physics;2023-05-22

5. Angular momentum and memory effect;Physical Review D;2023-05-15








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