The change in satellite orbital inclination due to a rotating oblate atmosphere with a diurnal variation in density



The effect of the motion of the upper atmosphere on satellite orbits of small eccentricity, e < 0.2, is considered. The atmospheric model allows for oblateness, and has a density profile that approximates to the observed day-to-night variation. The equations governing the changes due to zonal (west to east) and meridional (south to north) winds in the inclination of the orbital plane i during one anomalistic period of the satellite are integrated, with H , the density scale height, assumed to be constant. The resulting expressions for ∆ i w , due to zonal winds, and ∆ i ϕ , due to meridional winds, are given. Compact expressions for ∆ i and the ratio ∆ i /∆ T D , where ∆ T D is the corresponding change in orbital period, are given when H varies linearly with height. An equivalence between the variable- H equation and the constant- H equation is demonstrated for ∆ i w , when the value of H used in the latter is appropriately chosen. It is shown that there is no such equivalence for ∆ i ϕ and ∆ i /∆ T D .


The Royal Society


Pharmacology (medical)

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