The conductivity of a sheet containing a few polygonal holes and/or superconducting inclusions



I use conformal mapping techniques to determine the change in the conductivity of a sheet containing a few well-separated holes. The hole shapes studied are the equilateral triangle, square, pentagon and regular n -gons. I show that the conductivity can be written as σ / σ 0 = 1 – α n f + o ( f 2 ), where f is the area fraction of the inclusions and the coefficient α n = (tan (π/ n )/2π n ) Г 4 (1/ n )/Г 2 (2/ n ), which is 2.5811, 2.1884, 2.0878 for triangles, squares and pentagons, and tends to the circle limit of 2 as n →∞ . The coefficient α n is proportional to the induced dipole moment around the polygonal hole which can be found using an appropriate conformal mapping. I have also examined and compared the results for long thin needle-like holes in the shape of diamonds, rectangles and ellipses. In all cases the conductivity parallel to the needles has the limiting form σ / σ 0 = 1 – f , while for the perpendicular conductivity, I find that σ / σ 0 = 1 – n π a 2 , where 2 a is the length of the needle, and n is the number of needles per unit area. For thicker needles, the shape becomes important and I compare the results with recent analog experiments and computer simulations. Because of the reciprocity theorem, all the results found here apply equally well to superconducting inclusions.


The Royal Society


General Medicine

Reference12 articles.

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