Proc. R. Soc. Lond.
A 419, 287–303 (1988) Electron paramagnetic resonance determination of Debye temperature By K. N. Shrivastava Editorial comment A dispute has arisen over this paper, with a request that an addendum be published. The Editor drafted a short addendum for consideration by Professor Shrivastava, who feels very strongly, however, that the addendum is both unnecessary and misleading and instead has proposed his own. The Editor has decided to publish the draft addendum along with that of Professor Shrivastava. The matter, so far as
Proceedings of the Royal Society
, series A, is concerned, is regarded as closed. Draft addendum Professor Shrivastava acknowledges the source of the experimental data used in tables 1–8, as follows. The data of tables 6 and 7 (except for the 300 K point) were taken from Wan
et al
. (1987). Portions of the data of tables 4 and 5 appeared first in Rubins (1986) and of table 8 in Drumheller & Rubins (1986). The remainder of the experimental data shown in tables 1, 2, 4, 5 and 8 was communicated by Dr R. S. Rubins.