Cancer and intercellular cooperation


Bertolaso Marta1ORCID,Dieli Anna Maria23


1. Departmental Faculty of Engineering and FAST Institute for Philosophy of Scientific and Technological Practice, Università Campus Bio-Medico di Roma, Roma, Italy

2. Department of Literature, Philosophy, and the Arts, University of Rome Tor Vergata, Roma, Italy

3. Institute for the History and Philosophy of Science and Technology (IHPST), Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne University, Paris, France


The major transitions approach in evolutionary biology has shown that the intercellular cooperation that characterizes multicellular organisms would never have emerged without some kind of multilevel selection. Relying on this view, the Evolutionary Somatic view of cancer considers cancer as a breakdown of intercellular cooperation and as a loss of the balance between selection processes that take place at different levels of organization (particularly single cell and individual organism). This seems an elegant unifying framework for healthy organism, carcinogenesis, tumour proliferation, metastasis and other phenomena such as ageing. However, the gene-centric version of Darwinian evolution, which is often adopted in cancer research, runs into empirical problems: proto-tumoural and tumoural features in precancerous cells that would undergo ‘natural selection’ have proved hard to demonstrate; cells are radically context-dependent, and some stages of cancer are poorly related to genetic change. Recent perspectives propose that breakdown of intercellular cooperation could depend on ‘fields’ and other higher-level phenomena, and could be even mutations independent. Indeed, the field would be the context, allowing (or preventing) genetic mutations to undergo an intra-organism process analogous to natural selection. The complexities surrounding somatic evolution call for integration between multiple incomplete frameworks for interpreting intercellular cooperation and its pathologies.


Agencia de Ciencia y Tecnología de la Región de Murcia

John Templeton Foundation and Oxford University Coordinated by Hector Velazquez


The Royal Society









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