The molecular orbital theory of chemical valency XVI. A theory of paired-electrons in polyatomic molecules



A further step is made in the development of the orbital theory of molecular structure, the object being to allow for the tendency of two electrons in the same space orbital to keep apart because of the repulsive field between them. The description of a molecule is generalized in such a way as to bracket together electrons in pairs, the simple theory of molecular orbitals being used as a starting point for a wider treatment. If two orbitals are used for each electron pair (paired electron orbitals), it is shown that the theory contains as special cases both previous results of the present series of papers and also the valence-bond wave function which is shown to be an alternative particular approximation to the general function.


The Royal Society


Pharmacology (medical)

Reference6 articles.

1. Eyring H. Walter J. & Kimball G. E. 1944 Quantum chemistry New York: Wiley & Sons.

2. Proc. Roy;Lennard-Jones J. E.;Soc. A,1949

3. 6 Proc. Roy;Lennard-Jones J. E.;Soc. A,1949

4. The Spatial Correlation of Electrons in Molecules

5. Proc. Roy;Lennard-Jones J. E.;Soc. A,1950

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