Some measurements of the flux of infra-red radiation in the atmosphere



For the continual development of the kinetic energy of the winds, it is necessary for the upper troposphere to be cooled by radiation. Results are reported of nine aircraft ascents on which the upward and downward flows of infra-red radiation were measured and com­pared with values calculated using the radiation charts of Elsasser and Yamamoto. The divergence of radiative flux deduced from these measurements clearly shows that the cooling in the troposphere is not very different from that calculated from radiation charts. The importance of clouds on the radiative pattern is demonstrated; at the moment, incom­plete knowledge of cloud structure will be the chief factor limiting the value of calculations of atmospheric radiation. The measurements are of very limited value in the stratosphere, since, for the very small quantities of water there, the effective radiation is in the rotation band of water vapour ( λ between 30 and 70 μ ) and the radiometer used was not sensitive to these wavelengths. If the use of radiation charts is extrapolated to these conditions they indicate that the radiative cooling continues in the lower stratosphere. This is in contrast with the ‘classical’ view that the stratosphere is in radiative equilibrium.


The Royal Society


Pharmacology (medical)

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