The statistical thermodynamics of multicomponent systems



This paper describes a new statistical approach to the theory of multicomponent systems. A ‘conformal solution’ is defined as one satisfying the following conditions: (i) The mutual potential energy of a molecule of species L r and one of species L s at a distance ρ is given by the expression u rs (ρ) = f rs u 00 ( g rs ρ ), where u 00 is the mutual potential energy of two molecules of some reference species L 0 at a distance ρ , and f rs and g rs are constants depending only on the chemical nature of L r and L s . (ii) If L 0 is taken to be one of the components of the solution, then f rs and g rs are close to unity for every pair of components. (iii) The constant g rs equals ½( g rr + g ss ). From these assumptions it is possible to calculate rigorously the thermodynamic properties of a conformal solution in terms of those of the components and their interaction constants. The non-ideal free energy of mixing is given by the equation ∆* G = E 0 ƩƩ rs x r x s d rs , where E 0 equals RT minus the latent heat of vaporization of L 0 , x r is the mole fraction of L r and d rs denotes 2 f rs f rr f ss . This equation resembles that defining a regular solution, with the important difference that E 0 is a measurable function of T and p , which makes it possible to relate the free energy, entropy, heat and volume of mixing to the thermodynamic properties of the reference species; and the predicted relationships between these quantities agree well with available data on non-polar solutions. The theory makes no appeal to a lattice model or any other model of the liquid state, and can therefore be applied both to liquids and to imperfect gases, and to two-phase two-component systems near the critical point.


The Royal Society


Pharmacology (medical)

Reference3 articles.

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