The Radar Research Establishment in its present form came into being in September 1953, through the amalgamation of the Telecommunications Research Establishment and the Radar Research and Development Establishment, both being engaged primarily in electronics defence research for the Ministry of Supply. The latter establishment has a long and varied history starting with searchlights and leading up to the use of radar for accurate anti-aircraft fire control, whereas the former was mainly a war-time creation and grew out of the small research group originally responsible for the early development of radar in this country. The important work on radar carried out during the war by these establishments is now well known. In particular, the Telecommunications Research Establishment was largely the home of microwave techniques and was responsible for the remarkable developments in airborne radar. It was as part of this establishment that the Physics Department grew up, the amalgamation adding the radio astronomy group and one of the digital computers.
Reference5 articles.
1. Proc;Phvs. Soc. A,1955
2. Proc. Roy;Bell D .;Soc. A,1953
3. M aefarlane G. G. & R o b e rts V. 1955
4. Infra-red photo-conductors
5. Proc. Roy;Soc. B,1955
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2 articles.