The nuclear specific heat in paramagnetic cupric salts at temperatures below 1° K I. Thermodynamic measurements made from a study of the field-dependence of the adiabatic susceptibility



Thermodynamic measurements have been made at temperatures below 1°K, obtained by the method of magnetic cooling, on copper potassium sulphate and on a diluted copper Tutton salt. A study has been made of the field- dependence (for small fields) of the adiabatic susceptibility of the cooled and thermally isolated salt, the measurements covering the range of temperature from 1°K down to 0.05°K for copper potassium sulphate, and to 0.025° K for the dilute salt. From these measurements the entropy and magnetic susceptibility are determined as functions of the absolute temperature. It is concluded that for both salts the susceptibility follows a Curie-Weiss law, the values of ∆ being 0.034 and 0.0048º K respectively; the specific heats are of the form ∆ / T 2 , the values found for A being 6.1x10 -4 R for copper potassium sulphate and 1.98x10 -4 R for the dilute salt.Deviations from this behaviour in a ferromagnetic direction are found for copper potassium sulphate below 0.07° K.


The Royal Society


Pharmacology (medical)

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