The spontaneous magnetization of nickel + copper alloys



The spontaneous magnetization (σ 0 , T ) of a ferromagnetic may be deduced exclusively from the determination of magnetic isothermals, or in conjunction with magnetocaloric measurements. Values of σ 0, T of a nickel + copper alloy containing 30·75 at. % of copper have been obtained near its Curie temperature using both of these techniques and are shown to be in good agreement. Measurements of spontaneous magnetization and Curie temperature ( θ f ) of nickel + copper alloys containing up to 54·11 at. % of copper using the purely magnetic techniques are described. These measurements were performed over a temperature range from θ f down to 80 °K in all cases, and to 23 °K in the cases of alloys containing over 30 at. % of copper. The magnetic moments per atom ( p B ) of the alloys, which are deduced from the measurements, vary linearly over a wide range of composition, extrapolating to p B = 0 at 53 at. % of copper. This value is in good agreement with that obtained by Meyer & Wolff (1958), and contrary to that based on the familiar measurements of Alder (1916). The reduced magnetization-temperature curves of some of the alloys are given and these show a continuous marked decrease in fullness with increasing copper content.


The Royal Society


Pharmacology (medical)

Reference19 articles.

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