Study of the stratigraphical succession of the submarine Palaeogene basin of the eastern English Channel in relation to those of the Paris region and of Hampshire confirms the unity of this large Anglo-Parisian Basin during the greater part of the Eocene. The base of the Palaeogene sequence includes horizons well developed at Cap d’Ailly; the Calcaire lacustre d’Ailly, clays referred to the Sparnacian and the Formation de Varengeville. The Cuisian includes sands with
Nummulites planalatus
. The Lutetian is thick limestone formation within which, in a great variety of facies, the main horizons of the Paris Basin have been recognized: Glauconie de base, Calcaire à
, Calcaire grossier à
. It terminates with the Calcaire à Milioles of the Upper Lutetian (Fresville horizon). In the Bartonian, the essential unity of the Anglo-Parisian basin is especially apparent: the Auversian levels resemble those of the Paris Basin, but the Bartonian
sensu stricto
may be closely matched with the type Barton Beds of Hampshire.
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