A Discussion on the early days of ionospheric research and the theory of electric and magnetic waves in the ionosphere and magnetosphere - Electromagnetic and hydromagnetic waves in a cold magnetoplasma



The basis of the theory of waves in a cold homogeneous magnetoplasma is reviewed. The radio approximation (associated with Appleton) applies when the wave-frequency is large compared with the geometric mean of the electronic and ionic gyrofrequencies. The hydromagnetic approximation (associated with Alfven) corresponds to infinite conductivity along the lines of flux of the imposed magnetic field and applies when the wave-frequency is small compared with the plasma-frequency. The rich variety of dispersion phenomena existing in a magnetoplasma is illustrated by polar diagrams showing both the variation of group-velocity with beam-direction and the direction in which the antenna must be pointed to aim a beam in a particular direction.


The Royal Society


General Engineering

Cited by 25 articles. 订阅此论文施引文献 订阅此论文施引文献,注册后可以免费订阅5篇论文的施引文献,订阅后可以查看论文全部施引文献

1. Hydromagnetic Waves;Physics of Solar Planetary Environments: Proceedings Of the International Symposium on Solar-Terrestrial Physics, June 7-18,1976 Boulder, Colorado Volume II;2013-03-22

2. Linear waves and instabilities in thermally anisotropic two-component magnetohydrodynamics;Physics of Plasmas;1997-06

3. Numerical simulation of the penetration and reflection of a whistler beam incident on the lower ionosphere at very low latitude;Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics;1996-07

4. Resonant Joule phenomena in a magnetoplasma;Physics Reports;1985-08

5. Helicon Wave Propagation in Semiconductor Magnetoplasma;physica status solidi (b);1985-07-01








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