1. An ecological study of closely cut turf treated with ammonium and ferrous sulphates. Ann. appl;Biol.,1932
2. Investigations into the intensive system of grassland management by the Agricultural Research Staff of Imperial Chemical Industries Ltd. XII. Influence of the grazing factor and the botanical composition of intensively managed pastures. Emp. J. exp;Agric.,1933
3. Control of annual weeds in cereal crops by dilute sulphuric acid. Emp. J. exp;Agric.,1934
4. (With A. H. Lewis) The growth of pasture in the spring, and its relationship to available nitrogen supply and temperature. Trans. I l l;Int. Congr. Soil Science,1935
5. (With W. G. T empleman) The eradication of weeds in cereal crops by sulphuric acid and other compounds. J . agric;Sci. Camb.,1936