1. 1930 Som e observations on bone conduction. Proc. R . Soc. M ed. 21 151-154.
2. 1933 A critical review of the H earing T ests C om m ittee R eport. J . Lar. Otol. 48 114.
3. 1934 A new m ethod of h andling celloidin sections in bulk and X -ray control of decalcification in the histology of bone. J . path. B a d . 38 247-248. (W ith D . W . A shcroft) A ction potentials in the Saccular nerve of the frog. J . P hysiol. Lond. 81 23P. (W ith A. F. Rawdon-S mith) T h e function of the tensor tym pani m uscle. J . Physiol. Lond. 81 25P. H earing aids and hearing tests. J . Lar. Otol. 49 240-246. (W ith A. F. Rawdon-S mith) T h e H elm holtz resonance theory of hearing. N ature Lond. 133 614.
4. (W ith D. W . A shcroft) O n the function of the saccule. J . Lar. Otol. 49 , 450 - 458 .
5. (W ith A. F. Rawdon-S mith) T h e `W ever and Bray p h e n o m e n o n '. A study of the electrical response in the cochlea w ith especial reference to its origin. J . Physiol . , Lond. 81 , 395 - 408 .