1. 1923 On approxim ate continuity. Trans . Camb . phil. Soc. 23 , 1 - 18 .
2. 1925 On the theorem of Pappus . Proc . Camb . phil. Soc. 22 , 919 - 923 .
3. 1926 O n the foundations of com binatory analysis situs. I. D efinitions and elem entary theorem s. Proc. Sect. Sci. K . ned. A ka d . W et. 29 611-626.
4. On the foundations of com binatory analysis situs. II. T h eo rem s on sets of elem ents. Proc. Sect. Sci. K . ned. A ka d . W et. 29 627-641.
5. Integral invariants of the affine field. Proc . Camb . phil. Soc. 23 , 262 - 268 .