Peter Christopher Caldwell was born on 25 January 1927 in Appleton (Cheshire) near Warrington (Lancashire). His father’s family had lived in Warrington and the villages around this town for many generations. Its members w ere well respected but, unlike most of their neighbours, they held firm to the Roman Catholic faith during and after the Reformation. Because of this steadfastness they had not only been subjected to heavy fines but, since the two universities and many professions were closed to them, they had made their careers in business. Peter, and this Christian name appears time and time again in the history of the Caldwells, was proud of his family’s industrial achievements and, for example, the fact that ‘Caldwells’ had manufactured many of the shovels used to dig the canals and construct the railways of Britain. Peter’s great-great grandfather, another Peter and the founder of the firm, lost an arm in an industrial accident and, in 1780, used the compensation paid to him to set up a forge. A remarkably resourceful man he continued, with an artificial arm, to play the violin in a local string quartet.
Reference35 articles.
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