1. Chromosomes
2. 1926 C hrom osom e studies in the Scilleae . J . Genet. 16 , 237 - 251 .
3. 1927 T he behaviour of polyploids. N ature Lond. 119 390. (W ith W. C. F. N ewton) M eiosis in a triploid tulip. N ature Lond. 120 13. Reversion in black currants: a study of the chrom osom e com plem ent. J . Pomol. 6 242.
4. 1928 Studies in Prunus (secondary pairing, differential affinity). J . Genet. 19 , 213 - 256 . (W ith M. B. Crane) T h e origin of new forms in Rubus. Genetica 9, 241-276. T h e relation of chrom osom e studies to horticulture. Gdnrs 9 Chron. 84, 450-451.
5. 1929 A com parative study of the chrom osom e com plem ent in Ribes. Genetica 11 , 266 - 272 . Ring form ation in Oenothera and other genera. J . Genet. 20, 345-363. T h e significance of chrom osom e behaviour in polyploids for the theory of meiosis. In Conference on Polyploidy, J .I.H .I., pp. 42-44. Polyploids and polyploidy. N ature, Lond. 124, 62-64; 98-100. (W ith W. C. F. N ewton) Meiosis in polyploids. I. T riploid and pentaploid tulips. J . Genet. 21, 1-16. Meiosis in polyploids. II. Aneuploid hyacinths (chiasma theory of pairing). J . Genet. 21, 17-56.