Morley Benjamin Crane, 17 March 1890 - 17 September 1983



Morley Benjamin Crane was born in Lambeth on 17 March 1890 shortly after his father had died. His mother, who came from Suffolk, soon returned with her infant son to East Anglia, where she met and married Ernest Wiseman, a young fruit grower of Kelvedon in Essex. The young Crane was brought up in the family with three half-brothers and a half-sister. His early life is somewhat obscure. It seems likely that his step-father was employed at different times in the nurseries or orchards of large East Anglian estates, and that his family moved round with him. Crane himself first attended school at the age of four in Ditchingham, Norfolk, where he was taught by Miss Lilian Haggard, the daughter of Sir Rider Haggard, who had an estate there. He left school when he was twelve years old.


The Royal Society


General Medicine

Reference37 articles.

1. eredity of types of inflorescence and fru its in tom ato. J;H;Genet.

2. raising of fruit trees from seed. J;Pomol.

3. P ollination of fru it trees. Gdnrs' Chron. 67 288.

4. perim ents in b reeding plum s, w ith a note on peaches. J;Pomol.

5. R eport on tests of self-sterility and cross-incom patibility in plum s cherries and apples at the John Innes H o rticu Itu ral In stitu tio n . II. J . Pomol. 3 67 84.







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