Dennis Gabor, 5 June 1900 - 9 February 1979


Allibone Thomas Edward


Dennis Gabor, originally in Hungarian Gábor Dénes, scientist, engineer, inventor, humanist, Nobel Prize winner, was born in Hungary on 5 June 1900, came to England in 1934, married Marjorie Louise Butler in 1936 and, after a life of brilliant scientific and philosophical achievement coupled with great happiness, died in London on 9 February 1979. To use his own words he was “one of the lucky physicists who have been able to see one of their ideas grow into a sizeable chapter of physics”, a chapter he continued to enlarge up to the onset of illness in 1974, and in addition he applied his penetrating intellect to some of the problems of man’s survival, problems created by the advance of technology: in a series of books and discourses he—to use again his own words— “invented a future,—and a good one,—one that preserves the values of civilization and yet is in harmony with man’s nature—based on hope and the love of life”. Few scientists are masters of the ‘two cultures’, but this, Dennis Gabor certainly was.


The Royal Society


General Medicine

Reference2 articles.

1. German Period 1925-33

2. B erechnung der K apazitat von Sam m elschienenanlagen;Arch. Elektrotrch.,1925

Cited by 10 articles. 订阅此论文施引文献 订阅此论文施引文献,注册后可以免费订阅5篇论文的施引文献,订阅后可以查看论文全部施引文献

1. Holography: 50th anniversary of Dennis Gabor’s Nobel Prize: Part I. A historical perspective;Sixteenth Conference on Education and Training in Optics and Photonics: ETOP 2021;2022-06-30

2. Random recollections of the early days;The Beginnings of Electron Microscopy - Part 1;2021

3. Holography: 50th Anniversary of Dennis Gabor’s Nobel Prize. Part I. A historical perspective;Education and Training in Optics & Photonics Conference 2021;2021

4. Designing and Constructing the (Life)World: Phenomenology and Engineering;Philosophy of Engineering and Technology;2020

5. Biophotons, coherence and photocount statistics: A critical review;Journal of Luminescence;2015-08







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