1. I. T ranscript of an interview taken on a tape recorder by Charles W einer on 25 February 1971 for the A merican Institute of Physics C enter for H istory of Physics.
2. II. Introduction by P. I. Dee to a Volume w hich marked F eath er's 25 years in E dinburgh. 1971/72. Proc. R . Soc. Edinb. A 70 1.
3. 1928 (W ith R. R. N immo) T h e ionisation curve of an average a-particle. Proc . Camb . phil. Soc. 24 , 139 - 149 .
4. 1929 (a) (W ith R. R. N immo) An investigation of the ranges of the long a-particles from thorium C and radium C, using an expansion cham ber. Proc . R . Soc. Lond. A 122 , 668 - 687 .
5. (b) (W ith R. R. N immo) T h e distribution of range of the a-particles from radium C' and thorium C' . Proc . Camb . phil. Soc. 25 , 198 - 204 .