1. 1926 N otes on the flora of the experim ental pond. N a tu ra l H istory o f W icken F en p a rt 3 pp 255-257. N ote on a new m ethod for the investigation of fossil plants. N ew Phytol. 25 58-60. T h e R haetic flora of Scoresby Sound E ast G reenland. M eddr G ronland 68 45-148.
2. Schizopodium davidi gen. et sp. nov. A new type of stem from the D evonian rocks of A ustralia;Phil. Trans. R . Soc. Lond. B,1929
3. T h e fossil flora of Scoresby Sound, East G reenland. 1. C ryptogram s (exclusive of Lycopodiales). M eddr G ronland 85 (2), 1- 104. R haetic floras;Biol. Rev.,1931
4. 1932 T h e fossil flora of Scoresby Sound East G reenland. 2. D escription of seed plants incertae sedis togethei w ith a discussion of certain cycadophyte cuticles. M eddr Gronland 85 (3) 1-112. T h e fossil flora of Scoresby Sound East G reenland. 3. Caytoniales and B ennettitales. M eddr Gronland 85 (5) 1 133.
5. 1933 A new m em ber of the C aytoniales. N ew P hytol. 32 97-114.